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Grundkurs Sicherheitsbeauftragte English

2 days | Safety officer basic training | Online Live Seminar | From theory to practice

749 Euro


SAFETY OFFICER BASIC TRAINING Companies with more than 20 employees are required by law to appoint a sufficient quantity of safety officers. While occupational safety and health requirements are a legal obligation for all employers, it also builds the basis for any modern, competitive and sustainable workplace and environment. This safety officer basic training teaches all relevant information and duties for employers and its employees in accordance with § 22 SGB VII, § 20 DGUV Regulation 1, DGUV Rules 100-001. By completing this course, you will be awarded 2 VDSI points for occupational safety. TARGET AUDIENCE: • Employees who are to be appointed as safety officers • Coordinators with special occupational safety responsibilities • Employees in hazardous working conditions • Work councils and employee representatives • Seminar participation does not require any prior qualification COURSE CONTENT: I) Basics of occupational safety and health • The most important goals, laws, ordinances and regulations • The role and tasks of safety officers (“Sicherheitsbeauftragte/r”) • Position of the safety officer within the organization II) Everything you need to know as a safety officer • Basics of risk assessment (“Gefährdungsbeurteilung”) • Basics of instruction (“Unterweisungen”) • Operating instructions (“Betriebsanweisungen”) • Personal protective equipment (“Persönliche Schutzausrüstung”) • Hazardous substances management III) Safety and health in the workplace • Workplace, work equipment and ergonomics • First aid and accident investigation at work • Fire protection • Danger from noise • Transport & logistics • Commute & road safety • Electrical systems and equipment • Ladders & steps • Conflict management • Psychological stress at work • Addiction DURATION: The seminar lasts for 2 days of 8 hours each TEACHING METHODS: • Presentation • Practical case studies • Interactive discussions • Group work • Exchange of experiences • Development of professional work templates • Practical tips for everyday operations BENEFITS: • Certified participation • Occupational safety and health expertise • Legal compliance • Minimization of liability risks • Best practices experience • Professional work templates • Improved health and safety at work FINAL EXAM: Participants will receive a certificate of attendance upon successful completion of the course

Das Lehrgangskonzept

Lehrgänge der Arbeitsschutz Akademie sind praxisorientiert, fokussiert auf Relevanz, interaktiv und unterhaltsam. Uns ist wichtig, dass gelernte Inhalte direkt im Arbeitsalltag umgesetzt werden. Dazu nutzen wir neuste Technologien und Lernmethoden.


Alle Fachdozenten haben jahrelange Arbeitserfahrung in der Praxis. Theorieinhalte werden immer in Kombination mit echten Praxisbeispielen vermittelt.


Lehrgänge werden immer durch neuste Technologien und Software unterstützt, wie digitale Whiteboards, Liveumfragen, interaktive Diskussionsgruppen und moderierte FAQs.


Lehrinhalte fokussieren sich auf relevante Informationen, einfache Verständlichkeit, Interaktion zwischen Dozent und Lernenden, sowie der Lernkontinuität auch über das Lehrgangsende hinaus.

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